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Hotelier survival during Covid-19 | 5 Things Hoteliers can do in a Lockdown

Hotelier survival during Covid-19

Hotelier survival during Covid-19 is the common question that is running in everybody’s mind. The COVID-19 has strongly affected the travel industry and most of the destinations are recording losses in business. The unexpected market has left hoteliers to wonder how to react to the spread of COVID-19. Hoteliers are known for their resilient nature and here are some of the important points which hoteliers should do during the coronavirus outbreak.

Top 5 things that will help Hotelier survival during Covid-19

  1. Volunteer: Hoteliers are the best placed to volunteer to offer space to paramedics, emergency workers and people who are stuck due to travel ban. With surplus manpower, they can offer basic food to the needy one hit hard by this global pandemic. As coronavirus patients outnumbered hospital beds some of the hotels across the globe have started offering their rooms as temporary care units. This is the best time to lend a helping hand to those guests who got stuck due to this coronavirus outbreak by providing accommodation at the lowest possible price. Those hoteliers who are “serving the guests with a smile” today will have a good comeback once the situation is back to normal as guests always remember the positive impression.    
  2. Create dedicated page on the website detailing about your steps taken for the virus. By  creating a page on the hotel’s website that includes information about the virus outbreak and what all policies and steps are implemented for maintaining a clean and safe hotel. This shows our commitment to our guests and how we support travel safety and offer flexibility.
  3. Go out of way to take of care of its employees First of all, make them aware about the importance of washing their hands as often as possible. Provide hand sanitizer to keep hands clean and spaces germ free for everyone. The hotelier needs to show solidarity, not just for staff in these uncertain times but also for those who need accommodation in these coming tough months.
  4. Competitive Intelligence, Pricing strategies, competitors set reactions During this time, it is necessary to keep an extra eye on market information regarding free cancellation, travel restrictions. This is the best time to focus more on the local market by creating attractive packages ensuring that the local markets are targeted. Looking closely at the analytics will help to get the idea which segments to target now and which will be the most profitable to return. In this way to target those areas which can give potential revenue once the situation is back to normal, the hotelier can bounce back quickly.
  5. Maintain a favourable public image: How to handle cancellation in this tough period is also a big deal. Being generous and courteous is important to keep things positive in front of current and potential guests as it will help to likely go a long way in future. It is true that no hotelier would like to lose bookings but thinking for the long term is the key role. A displeased guest will never come back and may also share the bad experience in negative reviews. The most important thing to keep updated is what you are doing to keep things clean and safe for staff and guests.

Contact us now if you are a Hotelier and looking to survive this pandemic wave. To get in touch click here